
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Nine Photos of My Spouse and I {Tuesday Topics}

Life. Love.Lauren

It's time for another week of Tuesday Topics.  This week, I get to share nine pictures of me and my spouse/bestie... lucky for me, he is both!   1. This is from my first weekend visit to his place. Our first year and a half together, we lived about two hours away from each other, so these visits were always fun!

2.  Road trip to St. Louis for my brother's wedding.  Who doesn't love a fun roadtrip?  And we actually do pretty well in the car together.

3.  The night we got engaged!  This was right after he popped the question.

4.  A night at the St. Louis Cardinals' game.  I have tons of pictures of us at the baseball stadium... it is always a good time.

5.  Our wedding... this is one of my favorite pictures from that day.

6.  Our honeymoon... we got married on the beach in Florida and then spend the week going to different amusement parks and restaurants... here we were at Senor Frogs.

7.  Being goofy... this is one of my favorite pictures of my hubby... I think it really captures his personality.

8.  The picture from when we announced we were expecting :)

9.  This is a more recent picture from when we went to visit Grant's Farm in St. Louis... I probably have better ones from our recent vacation, but those aren't actually off the camera yet :)

So there you have it... nine pictures of me and my hubby over the last {little more than} four years... it's been fun going down memory lane.  Now it's your turn to go link-up with Tiffany and Lauren and share some pics of you and your spouse and/or bestie!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

If You're Happy And You Know It...

It's time again for Tuesday Topics!  Tiffany and Lauren just started a new set and I'm going to try and actually participate in all ten weeks.  The first week is ten things that make you happy...

1.  Baby kicks... what is there not to love about the sweet little reminder that a little one is growing inside you?  It's such an amazing feeling and it makes me so happy.

2.  Spending time with my family.  I'm going to visit my sister and her family this weekend.  I can't wait to see my sweet little niece and nephew.  Their smiles can brighten any day!

3.  New clothes.  Right now, I'm not buying a lot of clothes seeing as they won't be fitting in a few months, but I still love getting new clothes!

4.  Art projects.  I found this really cool pin on Pinterest for a name plate that I'm going to try and make to put over baby's crib.  I'm really looking forward to having an art project to do!

5.  Cleaning... LOL... I never thought I'd say that, but the nesting bug is hitting full force!  It makes me so happy to see how clean my closet it and I'm really enjoying the layout of my husband's man room.  I have a feeling that this cleaning thing will eventually get really old, so I better enjoy it while I can.

6.  Maxine's Chicken and Waffles.  This place is amazing!  All my friends and family laugh when I talk about this place, but I love it.  It is one of the perks of driving to visit my sister.  Justin and I stop here mid-way and I get to enjoy some fried chicken and a sweet potato waffle with peach butter... YUM!

7.  Spring flowers... especially tulips.  I feel like this season I really missed all the flowers.  Spring just never happened, it went straight from winter snow to summer heat.  I love just seeing huge bouquets or fields of tulips... makes my heart happy.

8.  Passing a level on Candy Crush.  Ha ha... I'm totally addicted to the game and getting past a level I've been stuck on for a while makes me so happy!  Then I get stuck again... what a vicious cycle!

9.  Mail.  Real mail... not junk mail.  Who doesn't love getting a card or a letter in the mail?  It's nice to know someone was thinking about you.

10.  Sleeping through the night.  Lately, that hasn't been happening and I have a feeling it might only get worse over the next year or so.  So those few nights I have lately where I don't wake up are golden!

So there you have it!  Ten things that are currently making me happy.  Feel free to head over to Tiffany's or Lauren's blog and share what makes you happy!

Life. Love.Lauren

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Twenty-Eight Week Bump-date

How Far Along:
Twenty Eight Weeks (May 16, 2013)

I think I've started having some Braxton Hicks contractions... I'm still not 100% sure.  I've had some heartburn this week, but nothing too bad.  Still have that tender spot on my back that hurts if I turn a certain way {I know... don't turn that way...}

Baby Facts:
Little man is almost 15" and over 2 pounds!  He can blink his eyes and see light that's coming in through the uterus... we may have to get a flashlight out and play a little bit.  Hopefully he is starting to turn himself around for the big event.

I've been starting to feel jabs up high, like under my ribs.  Totally a weird feeling!  He isn't as active as before, but still plenty active.  I'm sure it's starting to get tight in there :)

Gender Predictions:
Baby Boy Atwell... yep, I've got two men in my life now.

Food Cravings or Aversions:
Soft pretzels and brownies from the sundry downstairs at work.  Justin had a tuna salad sandwich the other night and the smell definitely made me turn my nose... not that I ate tuna in the past, but the smell was really getting to me!

Mommy is Feeling:
Tired... I've been having trouble falling asleep lately... and any major movement from dad's side of the bed and I'm awake.  And I'm sure this isn't going to be getting any better as he gets bigger and the area for my bladder gets smaller.

Daddy is Feeling:
I asked Justin how he's feeling about baby and he said "nobody puts baby in a corner"... yeah, that's my husband.  He then said that he's ready!  Ha, if only he knew what he's in for...

Highlights this Week:
I bought our first box of diapers and wipes... lol.  Who would think that would be a highlight?  Okay, its not really, but its fun to start getting ready for baby.

I got my invite for our baby shower!  It's a little less than a month away and I am so excited to see all my family and friends get together to celebrate the soon-to-be arrival of our little boy.

Excited For:
Our last piece of furniture should be coming in soon, so it should all be delivered... hopefully by the end of the month!  Can't wait to set up the nursery :)

Next week, we're heading to Ohio to visit my sister and her family.  I'm really looking forward to seeing them all and hanging out with my little niece (28 months) and nephew (8 months).  I saw a picture of them recently and they're getting so big!  Plus, she has some baby stuff for me.

We're getting a 3D/4D ultrasound in just two weeks!  Can't wait to see what little man is going to look like.

I have my glucose test today... so hopefully I pass!  I also have to have blood work done and I have to get my rhoGAM shot since I'm Rh-negative... so lots of needles.  Not looking forward to it.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

{Sunday Social}

Sunday Social

1. 1 year ago I was doing...
A little over a year ago, I married my best friend, Justin.  We spent a week in Florida celebrating.  I was working as an accountant (with the same company I am now).  On this day a year ago, I went to a baby shower for one of my friends, Katy, who was pregnant with her first child, Cooper.

2. 5 years ago I was doing...
I had just recently bought a house in Springfield, Missouri.  I had been working as a financial analyst for a company for just about a year.  I was getting ready to take a new assignment working as a controller for someone going on maternity leave in Eldon, Missouri.

3. 10 years ago I was doing...
I had just finished my first year at college at (Southwest) Missouri State University.  I was probably just finishing up exams and moving back home for the summer.  That was the last summer I lived with my parents.

4. 1 year from now I'll be doing...
Celebrating my first mother's day with my little boy!  Working a job I enjoy.  Celebrating two years of marriage to my amazing husband.  Looking into purchasing a house sometime soon.

5. 5 years from now I'll be doing...
Raising two kids... maybe have a third on the way?  Hopefully Justin and I will have a house and careers that we both enjoy and allow us to live the lifestyle we want.

6. 10 years from now I'll be doing...
a millionaire and retired... ha ha... I wish!  Who really knows where they'll be in ten years?  I know I'll have a soon-to-be ten year old son who will probably be driving me crazy {and that I'll love with all my heart} and that I will still have an amazing husband of over ten years!

Now it's your turn... go check in for Sunday Social!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Reality Check

Oh my gosh... for some reason it is really starting to sink in that I'm having a baby in just thirteen weeks... thirteen weeks!  I can't believe how little time is left - and how much stuff I still need to do.  There's just so much!  Here's just some of the things I know I need to get done:

  1. Get whooping cough vaccine - Justin
  2. Finish baby blanket
  3. Clear out the old guest room
  4. Set up the nursery
  5. Start stocking up on diapers, wipes, etc.
  6. Wash baby clothes, bedding, and other linens
  7. Clean out both cars (professional car washes)
  8. Purchase and install car seat
  9. Talk to insurance company about breast pump coverage
  10. Set-up maternity leave
  11. Deep clean the house
  12. Create a birth plan
  13. Attend childbirth classes, breastfeeding classes, and child care classes
  14. Read up on breastfeeding
  15. Start cooking freezer meals for after birth
  16. Find a pediatrician (and update pre-registration with information)
  17. Pack a bag for the hospital for mommy and baby
  18. Create a contact list to announce the birth
  19. Figure out how to use our camera
  20. Purchase nursing bras and pajamas
  21. Buy rest of baby gear (after baby shower)
  22. Send thank you notes for baby shower
  23. Put together gifts for nurses
  24. Pick out a name
  25. Pick out birth announcements (so all I have to do is add picture)
  26. Get paperwork from Justin's work to add baby to insurance
It feels good to at least get it all written out.  I'm sure I will come back to this list and update it as I come up with other things I need to do, but this helps me focus on what I need to get done so I can start to schedule my time just a little bit better.  I've got a schedule of weekends from now until our due date, and we don't have a lot of free weekends left, so I need to use them wisely!

If you know of anything else that I need to be getting done, please let me know!