
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Quotable Quotes...

Life. Love.Lauren

I don't really have any favorite quotes, but here are a few that I love...

Monday, July 8, 2013

Eight Months Down, One To Go...


How Far Along:
Thirty Five Weeks, Four Days (Eight Months... July 8, 2013)

I'm definitely starting to get uncomfortable and I'm an emotional mess {just ask my husband}!  Justin has been great though with my craziness.  I'm starting to get some not so pleasant symptoms {you don't wanna know}, but I know those are just temporary.  My boobs have started to leak some and my nipples are a little sensitive again.

Baby Facts:
Baby is just about done growing in length, now we're just putting on the fat!  He should be gaining about a half a pound a week until he's born.  It's crazy to think that although he still needs a little bit more time baking, if he were to come now, he'd be just fine!

Baby has definitely started shifting downward... it feels like he's jumping on my bladder and sometimes it actually hurts to move.  I'm constantly peeing!  On the plus side, since he's shifted downward, the kicks to the ribs have definitely decreased... most of the "high" kicks are below the ribs now.

Gender Predictions:
Still a boy... they double checked during the 3D ultrasound.  He had no problem showing that, but he did not want to show his face... here's the best pic we got from that...

Food Cravings or Aversions:
Nothing really... still loving the soft pretzels from the sundry at my office.  My appetite has actually kind of been missing lately... nothing sounds good.  Of course I still constantly eat... lol!

Mommy is Feeling:
Ready, but freaking out!  I know that its only a matter of time now, but I still feel like there is so much to do! I know that even though I feel like that, if he were to show up today, I'd be ready.  I am just such a planner that it's hard for me to not be able to plan such a big event in my life.

Daddy is Feeling:
He is definitely ready and he is constantly reminding me that we are going to be just fine.  I'm sure he's just ready for this hormonal, crazy lady who took over his wife to be gone!

Highlights this Month:
I had my baby shower about a month ago now.  It was absolutely perfect!  My sisters are amazing.  I got so many amazing gifts and I love every one of them (and I've even sent all my thank you cards already).  Since then, Justin and I have done plenty of shopping getting the last minute things we still needed and have set up the nursery and the rest of the house for baby's arrival.

We had our maternity photos done last weekend... they turned out amazing!  I can't wait to get the full CD of all the pics.  Our photographer was so nice and I can't wait to see him again once baby is here for newborn photos!

Excited For:
Him to get here!  I can't wait :)

One last pic from our maternity session...