
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

If You Really Knew Me, You'd Know...

I am a lefty. So is my hubby. Here’s hoping begging for a lefty when we have a kid, or else that poor child may never learn to write or throw.

I love numbers and spreadsheets and lists. If there is some way to put a numerical value to something, believe me, I do. I make lists for anything and everything. You can find them throughout our house... none of them checked off or completed. Yes, I make lists and then never look at them again. I’m addicted.

I sucked my thumb until I was twelve. Yeah... kinda embarrassing to admit that, but it’s a part of my life. I quit cold turkey when my family moved. Three years of braces later, and you’d never know!

I was in a sorority. It wasn’t a Greek sorority though, it was a service sorority. I was a member all through college and spent a lot of my free time volunteering, whether it was with children, elderly, blood drives, etc. I haven’t volunteered in some time and am working on getting back into it. It really is good for the soul.

I know all the states in alphabetical order... and can sing it for you. {although you might not want to hear me sing} Speaking of singing, I love to sing! I’ll sing in the shower, in the car, in the kitchen... basically anywhere. My husband wishes I didn’t.

I’m very shy when I first meet new people. Once I get to know them, they can’t get me to shut up. Growing up, all my mom had to do was say “Ellen..." and I knew she wanted me to stop talking for five minutes.
I’d usually last about two.

I'm loud.  I blame my family. When you have seven siblings, you  have to be loud if you want anyone to hear you.  People have to remind me to use my inside voice... I have to remind them I don't have one!

I am probably the pickiest eater you will ever meet. I don’t eat vegetables. {except peas, green beans, corn, and sweet potatoes} I don’t like Mexican {unless meat and cheese tacos count} and you can just keep dreaming if you’re thinking of taking me to an Asian restaurant! And that’s just the tip of the iceberg... my poor husband.

I’m low maintenance. I don’t wear make-up on a daily basis. I don’t wear high heels. I don’t spend hours in front of the mirror doing my hair in the morning. If I’m going out with friends or the hubby, I’ll generally put a small amount of make-up on and straighten my hair. That’s about it.

I love reality TV! {well any TV for that matter} My most drama filled addiction is Bachelor / Bachelorette / Bachelor Pad. I’m certain it’s rotting away at my brain, but I’m sucked in and can’t get out! I also love shows like Master Chef, America’s Got Talent, Hell’s Kitchen, and So You Think You Can Dance.

I was in scouting most of my life. First, it was girl scouts until I got to high school. Then I switch to a venture crew, which is a high adventure group. We did things like white water rafting, rock climbing, skiing, camping, mountain biking, etc. I was part of that group until my sophomore year in college. It was a lot of fun and I really miss it.

I love sweets! I will choose dessert over a meal any day. Sometimes, I pick a restaurant for dinner just because I love their awesome desserts. Almost any kind of sweets will do... chocolate, candy, ice cream, cake, cookies, pie, brownies... yum!

{now I need to wipe the drool off my keyboard}

Mrs. Monologues


Lauren {at} Life.Love.Lauren

I love desserts too! And our husbands can commiserate together because it sounds like I am equally as picky!

Starting on Tuesday I am hosting a really cool link and I hope you participate so that I can read more posts learning about you!!


I love learning random facts about people! I too am really loud and have no idea how to even whisper. lol. I followed you here from Spark People btw!


I love reality tv too! Bachelor Pad has me sucked in right now. And my hubs and I are both right handed (he was born a lefty but forced to go right) and both our boys are left handed.


I love lists and spreadsheets! My monthly budget is all mapped out and I can't even understand how people don't live by spreadsheets!

On most days, I don't put on makeup and I always throw my hair back for work. I try to do better on the weekend but for the most part, I just don't care! 8)


I have been know to pick places because of the desserts too! Glad I am not the only one. Thanks so much for linking up!
Mrs. Monologues

Alexandra Anne

I am definitely list girl, but I am so unorganized =P Quite sad really.
And oh how I love a good dessert :)

-Alexandra Anne


I'm a day late but:

~ I'm not so sure about your kiddos being lefty. Lainey is the ONLY lefty out of our family and my SIL's family. Its kinda interesting.

~ I miss Crew too. I know we can be adult leaders but its just not the same. Maybe we should do our own stuff like that.

~ and yes you are a picky eater. I thought I was but you take the trophy for that! :)

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